60 year old male who is a farmer by occupation came to casualty with the complaints of 

fever since 15 days 

Cough since and sob since 5 days 

Hematuria and urine output since 2 days 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic 15 days back ,he had history of fever which is of high grade , intermittent , associated with chills and rigors for 2 days then he visited RMP ,though he took oral medication fever did not subside 

Then he was taken to hospital in nalgonda on 13th Jan ,2022 as Dengue (NS1 positive) patient  had h/o bleeding manifestations like hematuria and Malena 

2 SDP transfusions done on 17th and 19th of January ,2022 

Hrct (13/1 ) :right moderate pleural effusion ,sub segmental atelectasis changes in medical segment of right middle lobe (corads -2 ) 

Bleeding manifestations of patient subsided after 1 week 

He didn't have any O2 requirement during his hospital stay 

He got discharged on 20/1/2022 

After 3 days of discharge he again had increased rise in temperature  in the evenings .fever is of high grade , associated with chills and rigors 

Hematuria ,SOB (grade 2-3 ) associated with dry cough 

No significant weight loss 

Past history : 

Not a case of DM ,HTN ,asthma ,CAD , TB 

Personal history : 

Appetite - normal 

Sleep -adequate 

Bowel habits - regular 

Bladder habits - hematuria 

Occasional alcoholic -drinks 90 ml

Tobacco -since 25 years 

Smoking - chronic smoker since 40 years ,smokes 2 cigars/day

No significant family history 

General examination : 

Patient is conscious , coherent and cooperative , malnourished 

No pallor ,icterus , cyanosis, clubbing, lymphadenopathy ,edema

Vitals : 

Temp - 101 degree f 

Pr -88 bpm

RR -34 cpm

Bp -120/70 mmHg 

Spo2 - 96 % at RA 

GRBS -110 mg/dl 

Systemic examination :

CVS -  S1 S2 + 

Rs - dyspnea + 

Position of trachea -central 

Percussion : dull note over right infra-scapular ,infra axillary region 

Auscultation : decreased breath sounds on right infra mammary , infra axillary and infra scapular areas 

Per abdomen :  soft ,non tender , no organomegaly , bowel sounds + 

CNS - nfnd 

Pleural tap : 

Investigations : 


Pleural fluid cytology : 

Wbc - 650 cells

Predominantly 90% lymphocytes and 10% neutrophils 

RBC plenty  

PT - 20

APTT - 39

INR -1.4 

BGT - A positive .

Diagnosis : 

Hematuria under evaluation 

With right sided  pleural effusion 

With fever under evaluation 

Treatment : 

(Therapeutic pleural tap of 400 ml done ) 

1. Head end elevation 

2.o2 inhalation to maintain spo2 >=96%

3.inj tranexa 500 mg IV/stat 

4.inj pantop 40 mg IV/stat 

5.inj Zofer 4mg iv/sos 

6.neb with budecort iv/stat  

7.inj Neomol 100 ml iv/tid 

8.tab pcm 650 mg po/sos

28/1/2022 : 

Pulmonology referral 

USG abdomen :

2d echo :

29/1/2022 :

Ortho referral


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