This is online E log book to discuss our patient's de-identified health data shared after taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. Here we discuss our individual patient's problems through series of inputs from available global online community of experts with an aim to solve those patients clinical problems with collective current best evidence based inputsThis e-log book also reflects my patient centered online learning portfolio and your valuable inputs on comment box is welcome

This is a deidentified  patient record with information interpreted from an audio call with the patient , posting here after attaining verbal consent from the patient, by student doctors (Saahithya Reddy Gangi -141 , Sana Sai Bhavana -146  and  Nikhitha Pulipeta- 130) under the guidance of Dr. Rakesh Biswas sir

A 45 year old patient who is a politician came to the hospital with the 

Chief complaints :
Right sided chest pain since May 3rd.
History of present illness :
The patient was apparently asymptomatic before May 3rd  He developed localized  pain in the  right side of the chest region just beside the midline.It was insidious in onset and gradually progressive for the first 3 days and persistent for next 20 days.  It was dull aching type which was non -radiating. The pain was aggravated on inspiration, coughing, even by mild movement, talking ( he slept only on one side because pain would cause more discomfort on movement) . Relieved on medication.

Associated factors are :

  • Pricking type of pain developed on the back just opposite to the localized pain in the chest. This pain has insidious onset which occurs in episodes (for every 3-4 hours approximately)  and lasted for 4-5 secs. It is of pricking type. 
  • Pain  in the right shoulder ,arm, forearm. 
  • Tingling sensation in the ring and little finger.  
  • He felt mild stony hard like swelling on palpating himself  at the  region of pain but no other skin changes 
H/o playing  carroms in  the mobile phone since the lock down has started and played hours together(15 hours  a day)  continuously with his left arm on the bed and strains  right arm by lifting up while in supine position. (could this be the reason for the pains he's developing on right side???) 🤔
H/O neck pain since 10-15 years. He told that he used 2-3 pillows while sleeping every day.
H/O accident 15 years ago (a bike hit on his lower back)  for which he was treated. But few episodes still occur sometimes.
H/O tingling sensation while squatting for about 10 mins (is it normal??)🤔
H/O hawking(frequent clearing of throat)
H/O burning sensation in central chest or upper central abdomen since 16 years which occurs after taking oily foods which was relieved by 'ENO '. He told that he never felt hungry and takes only 2 meals a day for which he visited hospital and was diagnosed with acidity and he was given medications but he didn't use them as he  felt the problem was because of improper schedule of his meals. Since the lock down he started eating 3 meals /day and walks for about 4-5 kms in the evening everyday. Now he says theres no feeling of acidity anymore.
No H/O palpitations,cold sweat, dizziness,Nausea ,vomiting,  vertigo,  headache, shortness of breath.
No H/O  cough, fever, cold, wheeze,hemoptysis.
No H/O recent trauma.
No H/O pressure, tightness, numbness or burning sensation felt at the site of pain in the chest.
No H/O fullness or squeezing.
No H/O edema.

Treatment history :
The patient developed mild pain on 3rd May  for which he visited local RMP doctor but pain didn't subside .He was treated for 15 days in the clinic and then he visited cardiologist after 15 days of onset of pain .
It was relieved on medication within 4 days. He still has few episodes of pain which relieved on
Medical history :
Acid indigestion since 16 years.
He's not a known case of hypertension, diabetes mellitus,  bronchial asthma, thyroid, coronary artery disease,TB ,epilepsy

Drug history :

  • Eno since 16 years. 
  • Tab : Met -XL 25 my 
  • Tab : Mactor-ASP
  • Tab : Pantotas 
  • Tab : Aceclo plus 
  • Tab : Paracetamol 650 mg
Following medications were prescribed by local RMP :

  • Tab : Ultracet
  • Tab : Hifenac -P
  • Tab : Nexpro -40 
  • Tab : Hexagab SR
  • Tab : Rabegard
  • Tab : Beplex 
  • Tab : Montair

Family history :
No significant family history

Personal history:
Diet : Mixed diet ( includes high fat diet)
(suspect of hyperlipidemia)
Appetite : low appetite before and increased since lockdown
Sleep : adequate
Bowel and bladder movements :Regular
Addictions : chronic alcoholic ( weekly 3 times and 2 beers each time). He stopped drinking alcohol completely since 8 months.

                            Site of pain
Investigations done :
        Reports at hospital 1
           Colour Doppler 2d echo
Troponin test
Thread mill test
X-ray chest 
                      X-ray  cervical spine

Reports of hospital -2

ECG at hospital
Interpretation of ECG :
V3 - biphasic T wave
Lead 1 , lead 2  and V4, V5, V6- shows T wave inversion ,a STRAIN PATTERN
( If S complex from V1 or V2+ R complex from V5 or V6 >3.5 mm - LVH) 
This ECG shows nearly left ventricular hypertrophy. 

2d Echo video
                  2D - ECHO
             Interpretation of 2D-Echo :
              Left ventricular hypertrophy.

Our thoughts :

  • Burning sensation in his chest and epigastrium  seems like GERD but it could also be "Silent MI.  "
  • The pain in his chest and right upper limb might be due to overusage of phone without resting it .(leading to strain) 
  • Lower backache and tingling in squatting position might be due to the nerve compression which might have occurred in a bike accident 15 yrs ago. 
  • It could also be Costochondritis due to the tenderness present at the site of pain. 
  • We can also think of Tietze syndrome as the patient felt a swelling at the area while palpating himself. 
  • In investigations TMT - positive (heart rate - 292b/m ) . (Normal heart rate in TMT of 40 yrs - 180b/m)  . This may be due to compensatory increase in heart rate when put under stress due to some underlying cardiac pathology.
  • A study  shows that some of the false positive cases have been seen in Obstructive Coronary Artery Disease.
  • According to the ECG reports and 2D - ECHO we can also think of Left Ventricular Hypertrophy.( As there are  inverted T waves ) in lead 1 ,lead 2,V4,V5,V6 (stress pattern) there is suspicion of Myocardial Ischemia. 
  • As our patient consumes high fatty diet there may be Atherosclerosis in the vessels. 
  • No other risk factors like smoking, hypertension,  diabetes are present other than Lack of physical activity, Age,  High fatty diet, Alcohol. 

Investigations needed :
Coronary Angiogram
Lipid profile

  1. Left ventricular hypertrophy 
  2. Silent MI
  3. Costochondritis / Tietze syndrome
  4. GERD

Queries??? 🤔🤔

  • Was osteophyte growth due to excessive neck strain? 
  • Is the tingling sensation in his 4th  and 5th digits of right upper limb due to osteophyte growth  Causing compression of C8 ( C8 Radiculopathy) 
  • Is left ventricular hypertrophy due to Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy?? 
  • Did alcohol effect the heart?? 

We thank our patient to be so cooperative and comfortable to talk to us on phone.

 My colleagues blog. Please take a look at them too .


  1. Student 1:

    5/27/20, 10:00 AM – UG 2016: Monomorphic P wave preceding each QRS complex tells that that there is sinus rhythm. Normal PR Interval. Normal QRS complex. Though, there appears to be tachycardia, but I don't know how to count/decipher without the boxes. Regular R-R interval. Axis is normal - (0 - 60 degrees), With a normal R wave progression in V1-V6

    5/27/20, 10:01 AM – UG 2016: Though there appears to be a wave before P wave in lead ll

    5/27/20, 10:01 AM – UG 2016: Sir what else do i look for ?

    5/27/20, 10:03 AM – UG 2106: Sir V4, V5, V6 donot appear normal

    5/27/20, 10:03 AM – GM Dept: Which ECG are you describing?

    5/27/20, 10:04 AM – UG 2016: Sir the one you sent on the group

    5/27/20, 10:05 AM – GM Dept: Good. Yes what is wrong here.

    5/27/20, 10:06 AM – UG 2016: ST depression ?

    5/27/20, 10:08 AM – GM Dept : And T wave?

    5/27/20, 10:08 AM – UG 2016: Inversion

    5/27/20, 10:10 AM – UG 2016 : T wave inversion is symmetrical or unsymmetrical sir ? Also sir, will the amplitudes of R wave in V5 and V6 added up to more than 35mm ? If they do, it could be LVH.

    5/27/20, 10:12 AM – GM Dept: Yes he has coronary artery disease and yet it's stable angina or even silent angina.
    Why? Because the ECG is not a resting ECG but taken after six minutes of exercise signifying a coronary artery blockage but he was never symptomatic due to it.
    His current 20 days of chest pain is on the right side and I just pressed on his right chest where he pointed to the pain and found it to be very tender suggesting a musculoskeletal chest pain

    5/27/20, 10:18 AM – UG 2016: Yes sir, stress ECG is a must as, at rest, the heart's compensatory mechanisms would be in action. Sir, is there a past history to any chronic disorders, in this patient ? And any finding in the blood tests ?

    5/27/20, 10:20 PM – GM Dept: Ecg taken today

    5/27/20, 10:20 PM – GM Dept:

    5/28/20, 8:33 AM – UG 206: Good morning Sir, this ECG and 2D ECHO are of the pt with chest tenderness on rt side ?

    5/28/20, 9:01 AM – GM Dept: Yes

    5/28/20, 9:13 AM – UG 2016: Sir there is ST depression, T inversion and left Ventricular hypertrophy (as the sum of amplitude of R wave in V5, V6 > 35mm ). Other than that, i cannot seem to see anything wrong, HR = 70 b/m

    5/28/20, 9:14 AM – UG 2016: And ST depression doesn't seem that significant. But since we saw it in the stress ECG, it becomes clearer.

    5/28/20, 9:14 AM – UG 2016: And sir, I am not being able to understand the 2D echo.

    5/28/20, 9:19 AM – GM Dept: The main feature in that echo is the gross LVH which alone accounts for the ECG findings. In the absence of any significant hypertension this would be labeled as hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

    5/28/20, 9:24 AM – UG 2016: Thank you sir. Does he have a h/o any chronic medical condition or medications which might have caused Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy ?

    5/28/20, 10:20 AM – GM Dept : No. Didn't get a chance to document that.

  2. Student 2:

    "[5/27, 10:57 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Good morning sir!

    [5/27, 10:57 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Maybe the pain and the ECG are unrelated because he has the pain since 20 days

    [5/27, 10:58 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: And usually pains related to the heart don't last that long or goes away when they take medications or deep breaths

    [5/27, 10:17 PM] Post residency PG1:Yes he has coronary artery disease and yet it's stable angina or even silent angina.


    Because the ECG is not a resting ECG but taken after six minutes of exercise signifying a coronary artery blockage but he was never symptomatic due to it.

    His current 20 days of chest pain is on the right side and I just pressed on his right chest where he pointed to the pain and found it to be very tender suggesting a musculoskeletal chest pain

    [5/28, 9:13 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Sir so due to the ischemia he might've developed a muscle pain?

    [5/28, 9:14 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5:Also sir. The fire accident is very disturbing. I hope no one was injured.

    [5/28, 9:18 AM] Post residency PG1: No ischemia to myocardium can't cause chest muscle pain.

    However if you check out the Echo then our initial assumptions of ischemia may not be true in accounting for his Ecg findings. The anatomic localization for those Ecg findings may shift from coronary disease to elsewhere in the heart

    [5/28, 9:23 AM] MBBS 2016 UG :Okay sir.
    Sir any chance we can maybe suspect any costochondritis?

    [5/28, 9:24 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Did he have any history or trauma or muscle strain?

    [5/28, 10:01 AM] Post residency PG1:Yes that was the number one diagnosis for his pain due to the extreme tenderness noted in the right side of his chest.

    So this case illustrates that the patient can have Ecg findings due to a completely different reason whereas the chest pain symptoms could be due to a different reason"

    28/05/20, 10:06:27 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Okay sir.
    Sir, I wanted to know, why was his initial ECG without the normal squares? Like why is that done?

    [28/05/20, 10:06:51 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Okay sir.

    [28/05/20, 10:07:45 AM] Post residency PG1: That was a print out where they managed to blur the squares

    [28/05/20, 10:10:36 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5 : 28/05/20, 10:11:09 AM] :Why is that done sir?
    Isn't it better to interpret with the squares? 🙈

    [28/05/20, 10:15:12 AM] Post residency PG1:ECGs are done on heat sensitive paper and are more of heat lines that can quickly vanish with time. Print outs as photocopies in regular paper are taken to increase the longevity of the ECG information and these print outs may miss the squares?

    [5/28, 11:30 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5: Sir. Has the patient been discharged or is he undergoing any confirmatory tests?
    [5/28, 11:31 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5
    : Because to confirm Costchondritis, the CRp should be raised

    [5/28, 11:31 AM] Post residency PG1: He had just come for an OPD. Stays nearby
    [5/28, 11:32 AM] Post residency PG1: CRP is a non specific marker of inflammation

    [5/28, 11:33 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5
    : Sir in this blog there are many patients who inspite of having HOCM have always been diagnosed with costochondritis

    [5/28, 11:34 AM] Post residency PG1: Excellent find. Share the blog link so that it's easier to put on the active learning blog 👍👏👏

    [5/28, 11:34 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5:

    [5/28, 11:35 AM] MBBS 2016 UG 5:

    : So was the patient given anti inflammatory medication sir?

    [5/28, 11:35 AM] Post residency PG1: Yes

  3. Student 3:

    [5/27, 1:31 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1: Does he have a history of fever?
    [5/27, 1:33 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1: What is the character of his Chest pain? Does it vary with respiration? Is it relieved on sitting and leaning forward?
    [5/27, 10:19 PM] POST RESIDENCY PG1: Didn't ask
    [5/27, 10:20 PM] POST RESIDENCY PG 1: Ecg taken today : (image)

    [5/27, 10:27 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1: In V3, there appears to be an ST elevation and a U wave?
    [5/27, 10:29 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1: Yes. Have you looked at the Echo? Just your knowledge of anatomy and physiology should be enough to interpret it

    [5/27, 10:33 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1: Mitral regurgitation?

    [5/27, 10:36 PM] POST RESIDENCY PG1: No prominent left ventricular hypertrophy and that is the reason for his ECG changes even more than possibility of coronary artery disease. Even mild ST elevation that you pointed out is indicative of LVH

    [5/27, 10:36 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1 What is the reason sir?

    [5/27, 10:45 PM] POST RESIDENCY PG1: Didn't check his BP. If not hypertension then HOCM
    [5/27, 10:45 PM] MBBS 2016 UG1: Oh okay. Thank you.

    [5/28, 10:03 AM] MBBS 2016 UG1: Could this patient also have mitral regurg and/or SAM. Patients with HCM frequently have systolic anterior motion (SAM) of the mitral valve, which positions the mitral valve within the LVOT.

    [5/28, 10:05 AM] MBBS 2016 UG1: And in this ECG, there appear to be some Deeply inverted T waves (so-called "giant negative T waves") - seen in V4 - V6 in patients with the apical variant of HCM.

    [5/28, 10:10 AM] POST RESIDENCY PG1: Possible. I shall have to do the echo myself to confirm that.

    However even if the patient doesn't have all that it would still be HCM if not HOCM.

    Even without the LVOT obstruction, HCM can be equally problematic in terms of morbidity causing heart failure

    [5/28, 10:17 AM] MBBS 2016 UG1: 👍


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