33 year old male came to the casuality with chief complaints of :

Abdominal distension since 2 months

B/L pedal edema since 2 months

Scrotal swelling since 2 months 


33 year old male got married 9 years back , separated from his wife and children since 5 years due to family issues about which he's not willing to tell .

After separation with his wife  ,patient started taking half a bottle of whisky every day .

3 years back he had history of abdominal distension and pedal edema for which he visited local hospital and was diagnosed as liver disease and  used medication for a while and stopped  , he was diagnosed as diabetic back then and on treatment metformin 500 mg .

8 months back :

He had abdominal distension and yellowish discoloration of eyes and used herbal medication - he did not get any relief for it , his symptoms got aggravated then he visited other hospital with the complaints of abdominal distension and SOB at rest , back then he was diagnosed as DCMP secondary to alcoholism with Chronic Liver Disease with Alcohol Dependence Syndrome with DM - 2 

Patient stopped taking medication since 2 months followed which he started getting pedal edema which was insidious in onset and gradually progressive till the scrotum and abdominal distension till the xiphisternum .

Past history : 

The patient has met with accidents once in 2011 and next in 2018 where his right side ribs were damaged and had a laceration on the right parietal bone area in the head which was sutured.

10 years ago he had a mass in the anal region - external hemorrhoids ?

He's a k/c/o DM -2 since 2 years and under treatment of Tab Metformin 500 mg 

K/c/o HFrEF since 6 months   , Chronic liver disease since 3 years 

Last alcohol intake 6 days ago (quantity - 1 quarter )

Not a k/c/o tuberculosis , asthma ,epilepsy .

Personal history : 

Occupation - sells plants 

Diet - mixed 

Appetite - decreased since 5-6 days 

Sleep - decreased quality of sleep due to pain 

Bowel and bladder habits - regular 

Addictions  : smoking since 10 years 

Alcohol since  10 years

Family history : no significant family history 

General examination : 

 Mild icterus present 

Edema of feet - present 

Scrotal swelling + abdominal distension 

No H/O pallor , cyanosis , lymphadenopathy

Vitals : 

Temp - febrile (99.2 degree Fahrenheit)

PR - 112 bpm

RR - 22 cpm

BP - 110/70 mmHg 

SPO2 - 99 % at RA

GRBS - 175 mg/dl 

Systemic examination : 

CVS : 

S1 S2 + 

JVP - elevated 

No parasternal heave /thrills 

Apex beat - 5th ICS 

RS :

BAE + , NVBS heard 

P/A : 

Abdomen - distended 

Normal hernial orifices 

Fluid thrill + 

Dilated  veins present 

No tenderness 

No palpable mass 

No organomegaly 

No bruit hear

CNS - no focal neurological deficit present 

Diagnosis : 

DCMP with reduced ejection fraction (<29 %)

with chronic liver disease with scrotal fascitis with right sided varicocele

Investigations : 

Hemogram :

HB - 13

TLC - 12,100

N/L/E/M - 67 /20/10/3

PCV - 37.8

PLt - 3.13

RBC - 4.81 


Urea - 31 

Creatinine - 0.7

Uric acid - 2.7

Calcium - 10 

Phosphorous - 3.8

Sodium - 130 

Potassium - 3.6

Chloride - 91 

LFT : 

TB - 7.26 

DB -4.21

AST - 26 

ALT - 17 

ALP - 560 

TP - 6.6 

Albumin - 3.6 

A/G ratio - 0.24 

Ultrasound : 

1.altered echotexture of liver with mild surface irregularity ?chronic liver disease 

2.Raised echogenicity of B/L kidneys 

3.Gall bladder wall edema 

4.Gross ascites

5.Skin and subcutaneous tissue shows edematous changes in the anterior abdominal wall diffusely 

Chest x-ray pa view 


Treatment : 

1.fluid restriction <1.5 l /day 

2.salt restriction <2.4 g/day

3.Tab Lasix 40 mg po/bd 

4.Tab Aldactone 50 mg po od 

5.Tab Met xl 12.5 mg po bd 

6.Tab Thiamine 100 mg po bd

7.daily weight and abdominal girth monitoring 

8.I/O charting 

9.Monitor vitals -4th hourly

10.Grbs - 6th hourly 

11.inj HAI s/c according to sliding scale

Previously this patient was admitted in the month of June 


Surgery referral of this patient :

Psychiatry referral on 4/12/2021 :

Soap notes of 4/12/2021 

S- pain in the scrotum intermittently 
Abdominal distension +

O- pt is c/c/c
Pr 94/min
Bp 130/100 mmhg
Rr-20 cpm
Spo2 99% on room air
Cvs -s1s2+,jvp raised
Rs-bilateral air entry +
P/a -distended
Dilated veins +
Grbs -114

A- Heart failure with reduced ejection fraction with dilated cardiomyopathy
Decompensated liver disease
Diabetes mellitus with
Alcohol dependence 

P-fluid and salt restriction
Inj lasix 40mg iv bd
Tab Aldactone 50mg po od
Tab carvidelol 3.125mg po od
Tab thiamine 100mg po bd
Tab metformin 500mg po od
Tab Ultracet 1/2 Tab po qid
Grbs 6th hrly
Daily wt and abd girth monitoring
I/O charting

Soap notes of 6/12/2021 : 

SOAP notes 

S - pain at scrotal region 
SOB + since yesterday 
Stools passed today

O - Pt is c/c/ c
PR - 90 bpm 
BP - 110/70 mmHg
RR - 20 cpm
SPO2 - 
CVS - S1 S2 + 
P/A - distended 
Free fluid + 
GRBS - 114 mg/dl
I/o - 700/1080 ml 
Abd girth -108 cms

A- DCMP with decompesated liver disease with Diabetes mellitus 2 with alcohol and tobacco dependence syndrome 

P - 
1.Fluid and salt restriction 
2.Inj Lasix 40 mg IV /BD 
3.Inj VIT - B12 1000 mcg IM/OD 
4.Tab Aldactone 50mg PO/OD .
5.Tab .Carvidelol 3.125 mg Po/OD 
6.Tab thiamine 100 mg PO/OD 
7.Tab Ultracef 1/2 PO Qid
8.Tab Metformin 500 mg PO/OD 
9.Syp Lactulose 15ml PO/BD 
10.weight and abdominal girth monitoring 
11.I/O and temperature charting 

Review USG of scrotum

Soap notes on 7/12/2021. :

SOAP notes 


S - 
Intermittent pain in scrotal region decreased compared to yesterday
SOB subsided
Stools passed today

O - 
Pt is c/c/c
PR - 86 bpm 
BP - 120/70 mmHg
RR - 18 cpm
SPO2 - 98% at RA

CVS - S1 S2 + 
P/A - distended 
Free fluid + 

Weight - 84 kgs
GRBS - 131 mg/dl
Abd girth -108 cms

DCMP with decompesated liver disease with Diabetes mellitus 2 with alcohol and tobacco dependence syndrome 

P - 
1.Fluid and salt restriction 
2.Inj Lasix 40 mg IV /BD
3.Inj VIT - B12 1000 mcg IM/OD 
4.Inj. Ceftriaxone 1 gm IV/BD
5.Inj.Amikacin 500 mg IV/BD
6.Tab Aldactone 50mg PO/OD 
7.Tab .Carvidelol 3.125 mg Po/OD 
8.Tab. Thiamine 100 mg PO/OD 
9.Tab. Ultracet 1/2 PO Qid
10.Tab.Levocitrizine 10 mg PO/BD
8.Tab Metformin 500 mg PO/OD 
9.Syp Lactulose 15ml PO/BD 
10.Weight and Abdominal girth monitoring 
11.I/O and temperature charting

Abscess drainage :

Soap notes on 8/12/2021: 

Bed no.1 
SOAP notes 
33 yr old male 

S :
Intermittent pain in scrotum 
SOB subsided 

Pt is c/c/c 
Bp-120/80 mmHg
Pr -87 bpm
RR -18 cpm
SPO2 - 98%@RA
Weight -87 kgs
Abd girth - 105 cms
CVS - S1 S2 +
CNS - nad 
R/s - NVBS + 
P/a - distended 
Free fluid +

A - DCMP with decompesated liver disease with DM type 2 with alcohol and tobacco dependence syndrome 

1.fluid and salt restriction 
2.inj Lasix iv/bd 8am (80 mg )- 4 pm (40 mg )
3.inj vit b12 1000 mcg IM/od
4.tab Aldactone 50 mg po/od
5.tab Carvidelol 3.125 mg po/od 
6.tab thiamine 100 mg po/od 
7.tab ultracet 1 po/qid 
8.tab Metformin 500 mg po/od
9.syp Lactulose 15 ml po/hs
10.inj amikacin 1 gm in 100 ml ns over 2 hours iv/od
11.weight and abdominal girth monitoring
12.i/o and temperature charting

Soap notes on 9/12/2021 : 

Bed no.1
33 yr old male 

S :

Intermittent pain in scrotum 
SOB subsided 


Pt is c/c/c 
BP -120/80 mmHg
PR - 82 bpm
RR -18 cpm
SpO2 - 98%@RA
Weight - 87 kgs
Abdominal girth - 105 cms
CVS - S1 S2 +
RS - NVBS + 
P/A - distended 
Free fluid +

A - DCMP with decompesated liver disease with DM type 2 with alcohol and tobacco dependence syndrome 

1. Fluid and salt restriction 
2. Inj Lasix iv/bd 8am (80 mg )- 4 pm (40 mg )
3. Tab Aldactone 50 mg po/od
4. Tab Carvidelol 3.125 mg po/od 
5. Tab Thiamine 100 mg po/od 
6. Tab Ultracet 1 po/qid 
7. Tab Metformin 500 mg po/od
8. Syp Lactulose 15 ml po/hs
9. Inj Amikacin 1 gm in 100 ml ns over 2 hours IV / OD
10. Inj Tramadol 1 amp in 100 ml NS IV / BD
11. Inj Vit K 10 mg IM OD
12. Inj Metrogyl 100 ml IV/TID
11. Weight and abdominal girth monitoring
12. I/O and temperature charting

USG guided diagnostic ascitic tap was done.30 ml free fluid was aspirated and sent for investigation.

              Cect abdomen 

Bed no.1
33 yr old male 

S :

Intermittent pain in the scrotum 
C/o giddiness 


Pt is c/c/c 
BP -130/80 mmHg
PR - 85 bpm
RR -17 cpm
SpO2 - 99%@RA
Weight - 87 kgs
Abdominal girth - 105 cms
CVS - S1 S2 +
RS - NVBS + 
P/A - distended 
Free fluid +

A - DCMP with decompesated liver disease with DM type 2 with alcohol and tobacco dependence syndrome 

1. Fluid and salt restriction. NBM since last night. 
2. Inj Lasix iv/bd 8am (80 mg )- 4 pm (40 mg )
3. Tab Aldactone 50 mg po/od
4. Tab Carvidelol 3.125 mg po/od 
5. Tab Thiamine 100 mg po/od 
6. Tab Ultracet 1 po/qid 
7. Tab Metformin 500 mg po/od
8. Syp Lactulose 15 ml po/hs
9. Inj Amikacin 1 gm in 100 ml ns over 2 hours IV / OD
10. Inj Tramadol 1 amp in 100 ml NS IV / BD
11. Inj Vit K 10 mg IM OD
12. Inj Metrogyl 100 ml IV/TID
11. Weight and abdominal girth monitoring
12. I/O and temperature charting

CECT is scheduled for today in view of omental thickening to rule out abdominal koch's radiologically.

Bed no.1
33 yr old male 

S :

Intermittent pain in the scrotum decreased compared to yesterday 
SOB subsided


Pt is C/C/C
BP -120/80 mmHg
PR - 74 bpm
RR -18 cpm
SpO2 - 99% @ RA
Weight - 87 kgs
Abdominal girth - 105 cms
CVS - S1 S2 +
RS - NVBS + 
P/A - distended, Free fluid +

Stools passed today

A - Ascites secondary to heart failure (CHF) with Scrotal pus

P -
1. Fluid and salt restriction.
2. Inj. Lasix IV/BD 
     8 am (80 mg )- 4 pm (40 mg )
3. Inj. Vitamin K 10 mg IM/OD
4. Tab Aldactone 50 mg po/od
5. Tab Carvidelol 3.125 mg po/od 
6. Tab Thiamine 100 mg po/od 
7. Tab Metformin 500 mg po/od
8. Tab Chymerol Forte PO/TID
9. Syp Lactulose 15 ml po/hs
10. Weight and abdominal girth monitoring
11. I/O and Temperature monitoring 

Bed no.1
33 yr old male 

S :

Intermittent pain in the scrotum decreased comparatively. 
SOB subsided.


Pt is C/C/C
BP -110/80 mmHg
PR - 78 bpm
RR -16 cpm
SpO2 - 99% @ RA
Weight - 87 kgs
Abdominal girth - 105 cms
CVS - S1 S2 +
RS - NVBS + 
P/A - distended, Free fluid +

Stools passed today

A - Ascites secondary to heart failure (CHF) with Scrotal pus

P -
1. Fluid and salt restriction.
2. Tab Aldactone 50 mg po/od
3. Tab Carvidelol 3.125 mg po/od 
4. Tab Thiamine 100 mg po/od 
5. Tab Metformin 500 mg po/od
6.Tab Chymerol Forte PO/TID
7. Syp Lactulose 15 ml po/hs
Planning for discharge today.


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