A 23 year old male who is a student came with the complaints of fever since 1 week 


Patient was apparently asymptomatic one week ago then he developed fever which is of continuous type associated with chills,

headache which was relieved with medication ,

vomitings - 3 episodes ,non-projectile ,food as contents 

Then he went to a local hospital in nalgonda where his hemogram was tested and had platelets count - 2.20 lakhs /cumm and was given medications .These medications were used for 3 days but fever didn't come down so they again went to narketpally clinic where his platelet count was 46,000 

.there he was kept on IV fluids , injections (no documentation ) and tablets  

Then next day morning again his plt was 46,000 continued with the same treatment 

On the same day evening his plt was 48,000 

Next day evening his plt came down to 35,000 after which they have decided to admit and came to Kim's , narketpally .

Past history : 

Not a k/c/o diabetes mellitus , hypertension,asthma ,tb ,epilepsy , cad 

No similar complaints in the past 

Family history : 

Htn in his paternal grandmother since 20 years and is on medication 

Personal history :

Diet - mixed 

Appetite - normal 

Sleep - adequate 

Bowel and bladder habits - regular 

No addictions 

General examination : 

Pt is c/c/c 

Temp -98.3 degree f

Pr - 75 bpm

RR -17 cpm

GRBS - 120 mg /dl 

Spo2 -99%@ ra 

Systemic examination :

CVS - S1 S2 + 

Rs - bae + 

P/a - soft , non tender 

CNS - nfnd 


RFT : 
Urea - 11
Creatinine - 0.9 
Electrolytes - Na + 139 
K+ 5 
Cl- 99

Lft : 
Tb - 0.86
Db - 0.19
Ast - 122
Alt - 42 
Alp - 94 
Tp - 6.5 
Alb - 3.5 
A/g ratio - 1.18  

Dengue serology - ns1 positive  
Igm and igg - negative 



Diagnosis : NS1 positive Dengue 

Treatment : 
1. IVF - ns , rl @75ml / hr 
2.inj pantop 40 mg IV/od
3.inj Zofer 4 mg IV /sos
4.inj Neomol 100 ml iv /sos 
5.tab pcm 500mg po tid 


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